Boy Heroes | Disc 5 | 1 Samuel 17:45 - GloriLight

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    Boy Heroes | Disc 5 | 1 Samuel 17:45

    Boy Heroes | Disc 5 | 1 Samuel 17:45

    But I come against you in the name of the Lord.

    Key Truths to Communicate

    • David defeated the giant in his life by the power of God(1 Samuel 17:45).
    • God fights your battles for you as you partner with Him(Exodus 14:14).
    • You will walk in victory in your life as you trust in the love of Jesus(Romans 8:37)

    Guided Prayer

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the victory in my life by the love of Jesus. Please, Father, help me to always look to You, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to help me face anything that makes me afraid. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.