Disc Set 3 | The Lord Jesus | Disc 3 | John 1:17 - GloriLight

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    Disc Set 3 | The Lord Jesus | Disc 3 | John 1:17

    Disc Set 3 | The Lord Jesus | Disc 3 | John 1:17

    Key Truth To Communicate 

    • God the Father has given us His unmerited favor(grace) in the person of the Lord Jesus (John 1:17).
    • Truth comes through the Lord Jesus (John 1:17).
    • You are justified freely by the Father’s grace through the Lord Jesus (Romans 3:24)

    Guided Prayer

    Lord Jesus, thank You for Your amazing grace. Lord Jesus, thank You for helping me to see the truth. Please, Lord Jesus, help me to always live in the truth of Who You are. In Your glorious name, Lord Jeaus, I ask.