Disc Set 4 | The Lord Jesus 2 | Disc 5 | John 6:35 - GloriLight

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    Disc Set 4 | The Lord Jesus 2 | Disc 5 | John 6:35

    Disc Set 4 | The Lord Jesus 2 | Disc 5 | John 6:35

    Key Truths to Communicate

    • The Lord Jesus meets all of your needs(John 6:35).
    • As you believe in the Lord Jesus and wholeheartedly follow Him, His life begins to flow through you(John 7:38).
    • As you look to the Lord Jesus as your Savior and Lord, He gives you everlasting life(John 4:14).

    Guided Prayer

    Thank you, Lord Jesus, for meeting all my needs and for giving me everlasting life. Please, Lord Jesus, help me to always believe in You and to always follow You wholeheartedly! In Your name, Lord Jesus, I pray.