Disc Set 4 | The Lord Jesus 2 | Disc 1 | John 14:16 - GloriLight

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    Disc Set 4 | The Lord Jesus 2 | Disc 1 | John 14:16

    Disc Set 4 | The Lord Jesus 2 | Disc 1 | John 14:16

    Key Truths to Communicate

    • Believing in the Lord Jesus is the only way for you to restore a right relationship with God the Father(John 14:6).
    • The Lord Jesus is the only One Who satisfies you in life(John 14:6).
    • The Lord Jesus is God in human flesh(Colossians 1:19).

    Guided Prayer


    Lord Jesus, thank You for being the way, the truth, and the life. Please, Lord Jesus, help me to never look to anyone or anything else to satisfy me but You, our Father, and the Holy Spirit. In Your precious name, Lord Jesus, I pray.